
Time For Some Choreo: "Got To Be Mine" (Vulfmon & Evangeline on a Bike Path)

lawhawk6/17/2024 8:16:15 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro as we are about to endure our first heat wave of the year this week. Fathers Day is terribly bittersweet for me, as mom passed away just before fathers day years back, as a boss move, and dad passed away a few years later.

It sucked something fierce, but less so now that I’m a dad through adoption. The boy is a joy and pain and sleepless nights melt away when he smiles at ya or says something so incredibly cute that you can’t help but laugh.

I know many others here have to endure similar pain and loss of their own dads and it does get better. But there are days when it just gets tough. This week is that week for me.