
The Gitmo Myth and the Torture Canard

MAV5/21/2009 2:18:28 pm PDT

re: #101 justabill

Hey don’t forget the 26 hairless boys that the Koran also promises.

” Moslems are allowed, by the koran, to lie to unbelievers - or all moslems a non-moslem’s life is worth nothing, according to the koran and many sheiks,leaders and teachers.
Moslems, male and female, are encouraged to commit suicide re suicide bombers. Not only encouraged but are rewarded with 40 or 70 perpetual virgins and 32 ‘pearls ( perpetual un-touched hairless boys) in paradise. Do not know what moslem women get, some say that they get to watch the men with their virgin women and un-touched boys.”