
ACORN Worker Reported 'Human Smuggling' Incident

Dark_Falcon9/22/2009 9:27:26 am PDT

re: #127 CyanSnowHawk

That’s Tijuana.
What really bothers me about this whole thing is that there were so many Acorn employees willing to help. It’s nice to see that one of them had second thoughts though, however belatedly. It would be interesting to know how often the video reporters got thrown out of the office when they approached with their wild story.

The best thing that I see coming out of this is the intense scrutiny that Acorn will be subject to now. You’re not going to see me shedding any tears over this sting however, especially if the investigations triggered by it turn up truly damning evidence. They are going to have investigators crawling out of orifices they didn’t even know they had. Given the national reputation that they have earned themselves over the past few years, I don’t see it coming out well for them.

Assuming that there is an actual investigation done. Frankly, I’m not at all sure that that will happen. If the FBI is allowed to conduct its investigation without interference, then the truth will out. If Holder is substantially involved, I’d expect a whitewash.