
Glenn Beck Refuses to Define 'White Culture'

Cato the Elder9/24/2009 11:37:47 am PDT

Over on a dumb-ass blog that I won’t link to here, Kejda is being outed as a stealth jihadist.

One poster wrote to defend her: “She’s a pro-Zionist atheist of Jewish heritage. Is that enough for you? She’s a good person and on our side.”

To which a certain “Steve” replies: “I’m afaid [sic] that the pro-Zionists are only on the Zionists [sic] side, and regard most of Europe and America as being riddled with neo-Nazis. The enemy for them is always and will always be white Europeans on whatever continent.”

Fresh from the “Protocols”. And this is allowed to stand on a “conservative” website that at the same time defends Geller and Spencer’s “brave handful of anti-jihadists”.

Aww, heck. I’m posting the link. It deserves mega-mockery. There’s a tip jar: “If you enjoy my blog, please buy me a cafe latte for $2.95, or cafe latte and a sandwich for $7.95, or add a salad for $11.95! May you be rewarded 10-fold for your kind gift by the prospering power of the universe!”
