
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

jayzee1/05/2010 7:04:26 pm PST

re: #127 Gus 802

That’s quite a a leap you’ve taken. That is if you’re being serious.

I don’t know the specifics but when a company is involved in national security interests and endeavors that the normal legals means of regress aren’t apparent. It’s not the same to be involved in war time activities as it is to say a public or private project. Many of the contracts rewarded to Haliburon in Iraq for example were done on a no-bid basis. So if you’re running an operation that is classified or secret you won’t get the same transparency for obvious reasons.

First off, I’m usually being sarcastic and not entirely serious. That said, I am sure there are a lot of legitimate gripes against Halliburton. I wasn’t really speaking to those anymore than those legitimate gripes against ACORN. The truth is both organizations have been/are used as symbols of the GOP (Halliburton) and the Dems (ACORN).