
Celebrating Women's Day

iceweasel3/08/2010 11:35:36 am PST

re: #141 windsagio

Where do you stand on the sex-positive issue with radical feminism? (sorry for bad construction, its hard to put together)

sex-positive is a ridiculous expression. But I’m certainly sex-positive in the way they mean it. More on this (also repost)

you’ll find all kinds of infighting among groups that call themselves radical feminists over what that term means and what strategies to adopt. Some of the wacko anti-porn agitators of the 80’s would have called themselves radical feminists, but they were obsessed with controlling porn in the US, rather than, say, worrying about female circumscsion in africa and elsewhere. They also located the source of women’s oppression in porn, which is laughable.

Anyway that Alison Jaggar book on Feminist Theories is an excellent basic primary on feminism.