
GOP House Candidate Says Civil Rights is a 'Local Issue'

Gus9/08/2010 11:55:15 am PDT

re: #124 brownbagj

I do think sometimes the rich are demonized. Some do deserve it. But, I think some of the rhetoric gets a little nasty when speaking about that spectrum of people.

Phrases like “working class” etc do bother me. Why? Well, I have seen some pretty wealthy people work their asses off to get where they are and I have seen some lazy folks reap their just rewards. But, due to the amount of money they make, one is a “working class’ person and the other is filthy rich.

Not fair in my opinion.

I don’t know if it’s a matter of demonizing the rich. There are many different types of rich people and then there’s also corporate wealth. The reality is that in the USA people engage in criticizing all groups spanning from the poor to the rich.

The problem as I see it is when people treat the rich as though they are beyond criticism and as if they were God like individuals responsible for every advance we have made in our civilization. There are good examples such as Bill Gates and other.

However, it’s hard to keep a straight face if you’ve been evicted from your apartment only to see the land later inhabited by the wealthy. Or to say that justice is blind when wealth can buy you a whole law firm while the poor get stuck with one public defender. The rich will find it easy comfort towards this criticism while lounging in their mansions. However, the poor have to live with their wretched state 24 hours a day.