
The GOP's Drive to Tear Down the Wall of Separation

theheat10/27/2010 1:54:27 pm PDT

re: #134 oaktree

The professional ghosthunters take their craft pretty seriously. On another post (in the last day or so), I wrote how my brother and I joined a group of pro ghosthunters a couple times. And, no, they didn’t like us.

Some of them want no background information about a location, because they feel it would taint their findings (read: supposed skeptics). Others get lots of background information, so they can go directly to points of interest, and not waste time setting up equipment in places with no known activity.

The evidence of paranormal they require appears to be so thin, it could be virtually anything. Orbs (dust particles) and EVPs (any sound whatsoever caught on a recorder) become proof of a haunting or paranormal activity.

All in all, the best you can say is none of it’s conclusive, and it’s all subject to interpretation by people desperate to prove it’s true, or that already believe it’s true despite any information to the contrary. It’s a form of religion. With spookier characters.