
Sarah Palin Derp of the Day

simoom5/04/2011 12:51:37 pm PDT

Based on some of the descriptions of the OBL photo that have been coming out, I wonder which media (TV news, newspapers, magazines, etc) would have actually published it.

Photos of OBLs body at a hangar after he was brought back to Afghanistan. This is the most recognizable with a clear picture of his face. The picture is gruesome because he has a massive open head wound across both eyes. It’s very bloody and gory.

& from FOX:

Fox News has learned that the image shows a large, open gunshot wound on bin Laden’s forehead, revealing brain matter. A senior U.S. official who has had access to the images said one of bin Laden’s eyes is open while the other is “completely gone.”

I suppose they could have covered the top half of his face/head with a black bar, or perhaps blurred most of the image out, but once you’re obscuring so much he’s unrecognizable, what’s really the point?