
Michele Bachmann Repeatedly Petitioned Government for Stimulus, EPA, Other Funds

blueraven8/10/2011 11:55:14 am PDT

re: #127 simoom

Sheesh, the media is frustrating me today. MSNBC incessantly, “Even some Democrats are now talking about the President’s lack of leadership [with respect to somehow passing new measures to repair the economy and the settle the volatile stock market],” and, “It would be a huge political mistake for the President to take his scheduled week and a half vacation family vacation.”

There’s a number of things wrong with the sentiments. First, if he did the thing they seem to want him to do, demand Congress back in session, it would be exactly the sort of impulsive / rash action that would likely freak out the markets even more, especially when all the partisan bomb throwers are back in front of the cameras, pissed-off at having their month-and-a-half vacation cut short. Second, it bizarrely takes all responsibility for legislative action off the back of the actual legislators who are busy golfing & sipping margaritas and instead somehow shifts the entire burden to the executive, who actually has no legislative power. In the same vein, they’re also punishing the one person who’s still in Washington working (well yesterday he spent the day at Dover, honoring the returning fallen SEALs & comforting their families), while once again removing all pressure from Congress.