
Breitbart Editor-In-Chief Incites Violence Against OWS Protesters

jamesfirecat11/17/2011 12:03:23 pm PST

re: #131 HAL2010

Do you have specific demands?
Not currently. Several weeks ago, the Occupy Wall Street GA released a Declaration of Occupation here: [Link:…] . It was passed unanimously by many other occupations around the country, but it is not a list of demands by any means.

I’m reading through the “Declaration of the Occupation of New York City”, and I can’t find anything specific at all.

I’m sorry but it seems rather like a lot of hot air. I can understand the anger, but it seems rather redundant without some sort of plan on how to move forward.

I think Jon Stewart handled this line best… if the people in government who get paid to deal with setting a course for our country did their jobs, then then John Q Protestor wouldn’t have to.

OWS may lack a clear agenda or solution but that’s because they’re dealing with a very difficult problem and for the moment at least unlike those who said Americans were “Taxed Enough Already” when Taxes were at an all time low in our history at least OWS supporters are drawing attention to real problem (growing income inequality in America)