
NJ Gov. Christie Praises Obama's Response to Hurricane Sandy: "Outstanding"

The Ghost of a Flea10/30/2012 11:53:04 am PDT

re: #116 Daniel Ballard

Okay never mind. Since no one has an answer to how theses observers are going to disenfranchise anyone apart from a moments conversation with a pollworker, I can see even just questioning accusations is perceived by some.

TP is the gospel. Got it. I withdraw my questioning of TP.


What Do Election Observers Do?

Each observer carries a checklist of questions, which he or she consults as the first votes come in. Where are the unused ballots stored? Are police present? Are there any signs of voter intimidation or a lack of voter secrecy? And so on. Some checklists encourage observers to interview a few voters at each site, with spaces to fill in their answers to some basic questions. At the bottom of the checklist the observer usually states his or her overall impression of the polling station, by giving a number from 1 to 10, or by circling a phrase from “Very bad” to “Very good.”

At the end of the day, the observers will review the counting process, either at the local or national level. They make note of how many votes are being invalidated and for what reasons and where and how the ballot boxes are being opened. Observers work long days, often logging more than 24 hours without significant breaks.

During the election itself, observers can’t intervene. They can question officials about possible improprieties, but they can’t tell anyone what to do, nor can they announce any findings to the media. When the election is over, the various teams pool their findings and issue their reports.


About Federal Observers and Election Monitoring

Elections Observers can’t intervene during the votes, but their analysis and critiques can be used to challenge the legitimacy of an election after the results are published.

By training election monitors to critique according to fictive standards, you’re changing the grading and evaluation of the fairness of individuals polling stations and thus the validity of their count.

Maybe be more patient next time before getting all righteous.