
CPAC 2014, Festival of Lunacy Photo Gallery, Featuring Cowboy Reagan

klys (maker of Silmarils)3/08/2014 7:21:13 pm PST

re: #148 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Hey, reading captions is fun!

If they’re promoting a book, they owe Disney a licensing fee. You can’t just use branded people in order to promote whatever, or else everyone would be doing it. I don’t get what you’re not grasping about this incredibly simple goddamn concept.

Maybe ABC is wrong and these people just wandered in and wandered around and weren’t, as it very clearly says, promoting this book. I doubt it, though, and when you use trademarked characters to promote something commercial, you pay for that privilege.

Even for your levels of trollish obtuseness, this is a new height. Depth? Which direction does obtuseness go?

Your argument is invalid because the kids on my street didn’t pay licensing fees for their own homemade costumes of stormtroopers for Halloween!
