
Open Thread (w/ Heartbleed News)

Killgore Trout4/09/2014 6:50:30 pm PDT

Erdoᇺn’s aide says Turkey will cut ties with Europe

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoᇺn’s chief economic advisor Yiğit Bulut has claimed that Turkey will no longer need Europe, stating that the “new West” solely comprises the US.

Writing for the pro-government Star daily, Bulut said: “I’ll state it in clear terms: In the new equation, the new West for Turkey means only the US. We no longer need Europe and its material and moral affiliates which may become a burden on us.”

According to Erdoᇺn’s aide, the new world will be shaped by the US and the axes of Turkey-Russia-Eurasia-the Middle East and China-India-Iran.

He lamented the fact that Turkey has put up with Europe’s condescending attitude for years, allowing itself to be used and burdened. “Today we no longer need this,” he said. Bulut also described the US as the sole representative of all Western values.