
Right Wing Bloggers Immediately Started Portraying the Kansas Neo-Nazi Shooter as a "Democrat"

Cheechako4/14/2014 4:55:48 pm PDT

Here’s my prediction of what the future holds for Mr. Bundy.

First, the BLM was very smart in backing down and avoiding an armed confrontation. I think the BLM did not anticipate the reaction they got and were not well prepared. All Federal law enforcement agencies are very aware of what happened at Waco and Ruby Ridge. No law enforcement agency/officer wants to be pushed into that type of situation.

In the near future, the head officials of the BLM Law Enforcement group will be meeting with the U.S. Attorney for Nevada along with Attorney’s from the Justice Department in DC. The FBI and possibly the U.S. Marshall’s Office will probably be involved. This group will develop the strategy on how to further to proceed. My guess is that they will go to a Federal Grand Jury and seek a Contempt of Court Indictment for Mr. Bundy’s failure to pay the court ordered fines. If this happens, Mr. Bundy will be stuck on his ranch for a long time as the Feds will avoid going on his land to arrest him.

As far as the “protestors” are concerned, I suspect several of the folks taking picture and video at the scene were actually taking pictures/videos of the people (and their vehicles) taking pictures/videos. Many will be identified. What the Feds do with this information is open to speculation. If they think they have solid cases, the Feds may present the evidence to the Federal Grand Jury and seek indictments for some of the involved individuals. For others the Feds may sit on the info and wait for further illegal actions before going to the grand jury. It’s just a matter of time before some of these nut cases will act out again.

As for the cattle are, they will not be going very far. The current drought will keep them very close to the limited water resources that will be available later this summer. This will make any future round-ups much easier.