
Dumbest Man on the Internet: Vegas Terrorists Were "Neo-Nazi Socialists"

Skip Intro6/09/2014 1:41:37 pm PDT


That post attracted an appreciative comment from another InfoWars user, Amanda, whose profile uses the same maiden name - Woodruff - as Amanda Miller, along with the same birth year and hometown as the shooting suspect.

“Jerad, baby, I love you with all my heart and I’ll stand behind you no matter what,” wrote Amanda, whose avatar appears to be Amanda Miller. “It’s true that its not fair that i can’t have a gun because you live with me. I know its not right that my rights get taken away from me because I live in the same home as you but I would love to see them try and enforce that. My love for you is deep and forever and f-ck what they have to say cause they have no right to do what they say is not right.”

The InfoWars user Amanda also claims the same job — head of the needlepoint department for Hobby Lobby — as Amanda Miller’s Facebook profile.

The InfoWars user Jerad also complains in a 2012 post that he hadn’t seen a dentist in 14 years because he lacks insurance, Medicaid, and a job.

So now the circle is just about closed.