
The Dumbest Man on the Internet Should Be Embarrassed by This, but He Won't Be

Ziggy_TARDIS8/07/2014 8:39:42 pm PDT

Peter Capaldi is proving to be awesome. However…..

It’s very exciting, being “Doctor Who”. You wake up in the morning, you dont know which monsters you’re gonna face, which strange new planet or alien landscape you’re gonna see. It’s great, it’s, it’s the best job that there is on telly as far as I’m concerned. Because it’s so exciting, you’re working with people who are so talented and gifted. I mean there is no other program where you can - you know - find yourself facing, you know, monsters dressed men dressed in rubber suits being monsters and attacking you regardless and all the rest of it and meet the historical figures… It’s just, it’s, it’s a gas.

If it is a gas, you should really have a gastroenterologist or a chemist take a look.