
The Unethical, Dishonest Ebola Coverage of Right Wing Stalker Chuck C. Johnson

Amory Blaine10/31/2014 4:12:37 pm PDT

re: #148 alpuzzzzz (I, R & sometimes why?)

Please do because they pulled the MBF out big time.

We were critical of them. But Courtney is right that some of the attacks on the governor have been just plain hateful. Just last month, we were sharply critical of Democratic Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz who claimed that Walker had given women “the back of his hand.” Her comments were ridiculous and unncecessary. Nazi references to the governor have not been uncommon. Such attacks are vile and unworthy of the political debate. It’s appalling the level to which partisans in Wisconsin have fallen. Comparisons of the governor to Hitler or Mussolini are disgusting.