
Acoustic Guitar Excellence: New From Antoine Dufour: "Air Ground"

lawhawk4/19/2017 5:59:50 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the Resistance in the NYC metro area. Congrats to Ossoff in GA-6 for nearly pulling off the unthinkable - running in a deep red district for a seat previously held by the current HHS Secretary Price, and nearly getting the magic 50% needed to avoid a runoff against a clown car of GOPers.

Trump, of course, thinks that this shows GOP strength. Ayep.

Meanwhile, the law and disorder president has yet to identify anyone to replace all those fired federal attorneys. There’s 91 positions that need to be filled, and he hasn’t gotten a single name. That means that the agenda for those offices remains in the air, and cases/direction of those offices is in limbo.

Welcome back my friends to the shit show that never seems to end. We’re so glad you could attend, come inside come inside..