
Sunday Afternoon Brazilian Shred: Andre Nieri, "Brazilian Fusion"

De Kolta Chair2/11/2018 6:19:54 pm PST

We’re catsitting again with big ol’ orange Higby for our friend Trudy. Poor, poor Tru, who slaves away in the NYC embroidery/fashion world, making not nearly as much money as you’d imagine for all the work she does, is off for the next week to such shitholes as Barcelona, Madrid, London, Roma, Milano, Dusseldorf and Dublin. Must be terrible.

But little does she realize that far from just being fat and sleepy the Higster is the most diabolical criminal mastermind who ever padded on four paws! Fort Knox (POW!), the Federal Reserve (BAM!), Trump’s favorite KFC (BURP!), here we come!

If she ever wakes up, that is. And when she does, watch out world!

ⒸSherwood Schwartz