
WATCH LIVE: Senate Democrats Hold News Conference Following Roe v. Wade Leak

ckkatz5/03/2022 12:02:39 pm PDT

re: #133 Belafon

Since the VRA and CRA passed, Democrats have been lucky just to hold things still. Whites have been so racist, and males so sexist, that it’s been impossible to get major rights legislation through our government. Major rights victories have come from the courts. But all of that, and I mean both legislative and judicial, can be undone by one court.

I’m working with about 4 hours sleep, so I think I’ll just throw out a couple of ideas flitting around in my head and let you see if they can kind of fit together.

1. I don’t think that either of us is up for mass murder. So for whatever the flaws these folks have, they are basically what we’ve got to work with. And we somehow need to figure out how to convince them that they prefer our approach.

2. Earlier someone posted that two nationally prominent Democrats were assholes. Which could easily be quite true.

But my thought on seeing that comment was: “But, dammit, they are our assholes! And until we can invent a better asshole, that’s all we have!”

Then I thought maybe that didn’t quite come out the way it was meant.