
Hope, Rainbows, and Muammar Gadafi

DistantThunder1/22/2009 4:02:48 pm PST

re: #120 pingjockey

How in hell do you restrain yourselves from taking a clue bat to this poor womans’ head?

We can’t discuss politics. She had us all watching MaMa Mia - I like the music - and I mentioned that Donald Rumsfeld saw it 3 times. When one of our sons asked who Rusmsfeld was, she replied to him: The man who started the war.

I said absolutely nothing, and explained later to my son that Saddam had invaded Kwuait, then surrendered when we kicked him out, but there were conditions to the ceasefire which he violated for years and only Pres. Bush was brave enough to hold him accountable.

I told MR DT that we have to write a codecill to our will that she must have only limited and supervised access to our children if god forbid something happens to us.