
We Got Mail! (And the Door Opens) - Update: The Door Closes

Cato the Elder2/16/2009 9:28:37 am PST

re: #30 Sharmuta

BTW- stormfront is coming to Ann’s defense. Nice friends you have, Coulter.

Not everyone over there digs her, though:

I personally loathe the Republican writer/pundit Ann Coulter. She may be a conservative republican, but she is no friend of Stormfront or white nationalism. Her views are as dangerous to the white race as those of the ultra liberals. She has dated several East Indian men and several black men. I have heard of white men lusting after Coulter as ‘being hot’. For their information all is not right about Ms. Ann Coulter. According to credible sources, she suffers from partial androgen insensitivity syndrome. She is genetically male xy and anatomically ‘ambiguous’. So these men might as well lust after Arnold S of Conan fame since both he and Coulter are dudes. LOL. She is oddly silent about her intersexed condition.

Whew! Feel the hate!