
'Proud Racist' Threatened to Blow Up Mosques

funky chicken5/02/2009 9:48:24 am PDT

re: #87 Occasional Reader

He spoke at a service for the 9/11 victims inside (not in front of) National Cathedral, the Friday or Saturday after the attacks. He had some sort of A-list Muslim cleric at his side. IIRC, unfortunately that cleric turned out to have some rather unsavory Islamist connections.

I don’t recall Bush speaking at or in front of a mosque shortly after 9/11, but I may be wrong.

And then threw Franklin Graham under the bus for saying that Islam isn’t the religion of peace. I read Graham’s book Rebel With a Cause a couple of years before that and really enjoyed it even though I’m not religious. It’s a really good read, and has excellent background info on Islamic extremism, even though that was NOT Graham’s focus when he wrote the book.

Honestly, I highly recommend this book to anybody who has a few hours to kill.