
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/20/2009 6:35:58 pm PDT

re: #148 Big Steve

And Ludwig, if you were so sure of your argument you wouldn’t have to respond with childish taunts… You are the “Beck” of LGF whether you like it or not…so own it.

Uhhh Stevo, did you read the argument, This guy came on here and was insulting lizards left and right before I picked up. I am hardly the Beck of LGF, rather, I have posted the actual science.

Why not look at the links?

If you were to look, like someone who actually cared about the science, which this is about, you would see that AJ is debunked.

Try it.

This is not about me. THis is about the science. Look at the links.

He is lying and linking to liars and being smug about it.

I don’t care if you hate me, but don’t discount the science.