
So. Carolina GOP Converging with Tea Partiers

wrenchwench2/09/2010 3:00:28 pm PST

Mark Potok says

I mean, I don’t think anybody with two brain cells to rub together could still have fairy-tale dreams about living in a post-racial America. Electing a guy with skin of a certain darkness—surprise, surprise—did not cure the past 400 years of our history. Things just don’t happen in that way.

Hannah Giles says

Take a look at my age group:

1. Our schools have never been segregated. Those days are long gone in relation to our time on earth and the development of our society.

2. We are more likely to throw a fit about someone’s eating habits, clothing, athletic affiliation, political stance, religious views and preferred music genre, than the skin color of our peers.

3. We played a major role in electing President Obama, who is not only the first black president of the U.S. but also the first man to be a minority in the nation he was elected to lead.

Since race has never been an issue for those of and around my age, we are able to conduct higher levels of human bonding. We group ourselves according to ideologies, coming together and uniting around self-determined topics, attractions and goals. Don’t get me wrong. We are not the flower children full only of peace and love. Cultural conflicts still exist, and will continue to exist so long as man has a mind he can call his own.

Ergo, Hannah does not have two brain cells to rub together.