
Allahpundit Spins Judge Napolitano's Defense of BP As Napolitano Appears on Alex Jones Show

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines6/24/2010 9:33:06 pm PDT

re: #22 laZardo

Posted a new LGF page about a certain war anniversary coming up…

Me too.
Most of the observances and comments around the net have been pretty dignified but neo-McCarthyites just cannot resist the urge to rear their brainless heads.
A lot of this takes the form of UN bashing, as though the UN had been the enemy in Korea. I caught this at an unlinkable wingnut site:

The UN mandated Korean Police Action should have been the
signal to get out of the UN.
The USSR as a member of the security council of the UN was
given information of all troop movements.

The only POTUSA to give the UN any problem was Ronald Reagan
when he kicked out UNESCO, G.W. Bush invited them back.

This has it backward, it was the Truman administration that sought (successfully) to involve the UN. The claim about the Soviets getting information on troop movements is straight from the mouth of McCarthy’s whisky-sodden ghost and has no basis in fact. The Inchon landing, for example, caught the communists completely by surprise.