
Tea Party Leader Mark Williams: The NAACP is a 'Vile Racist Group'

hugo7/14/2010 1:49:51 pm PDT

Well, you’ve all gotten to me and I’ve looked for my inner racist since I do not see “racism” in most of the “most racist tea party signs” searches I have done. I clearly do see some that are mean-spirited, offensive, intended to hurt feelings, hateful, crude, juvenile, in bad taste, etc. … But ‘racist?’ I genuinely ask for your definition(s) of racism. Here’s mine: Racism is the belief that some races are inherently superior (physically, intellectually, or culturally) to others and therefore have a right to dominate them. Furthemore, a ‘race’ can be defined as: “any of the different varieties or populations of human beings distinguished by physical traits, blood type, genetic code patterns, and/ or all their inherited characteristics which are unique to their isolated breeding population.” … I have an open mind and am ready to think a second time.