
Senate Republicans Block Repeal of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

sliv_the_eli9/21/2010 2:54:00 pm PDT

re: #149 Obdicut

You’re confusing the two different issues covered in my post. The comments you are quoting were a response to your more generic “What should the Dems do?” question.

With respect to the specific legislation, I disagree with your fundamental suppositions that (1) the bill was a defense bill; and (2) that DADT repeal and DREAM are “defense” issues. As to the former, the bill in question was an appropriations bill, not a defense policy bill. As to the former, DADT is a social and liberty/non-discrimination issue, like the Civil Rights Act or ADA. DREAM is fundamentally an immigration measure.

And my objection remains to what I view as the Dem leadership’s cowardly way of handling the matters, which was designed to secure Republican opposition and not to pass two important and morally just pieces of social legislation. If the Dem leadership was interested in the substance of the two bills, they would have rammed it through, any objections be damned, just like they did with health care reform and the stimulus bill.