
The GOP's War on Climate Science

sattv4u210/08/2010 1:49:30 pm PDT

re: #143 Gus 802

No. They need to horde the cash so they can pay some prick CEO 30 million dollars a year for doing jack shit. The banks have been doing so since 2008. Tired of the tax excuse. Those blowhards will be able to find new deductions.

Lets play a game

Lets say Company X’s forecast was that it was going to lose 100 million next year
Lets say CEO candidate comes in with a plan that guarantees the losses will only be 25 million and he states that if at the end of the year it’s more than 25 million, the company owes him nothing, but if it’s a loss of 25 million or less the company pays him 30 million

SO ,,,, if he succeeds, the company is out 55 million instead of 100 million

Good plan!?!?!?