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Decatur Deb5/03/2011 4:35:40 pm PDT

re: #149 Naso Tang

16 hours after 10 years of intelligence gathering. As I understand it there was no reason to think he was there for a short visit only.

Are you old enough to remember Carter’s Iran? A pilot mistake caused a ground collission between two aircraft on a desert strip in Iran. Killing several and aborting the mission. It was really the end of Carter’s presidency, and it was pilot error.

This operation could have been very similar. I don’t buy mechanical failure. A pilot made a mistake that resulted in a hard landing in the compound. It could have killed all on board and we could have had a Carter all over again.

Do you think Obama didn’t know that, let alone the possibility of no UBL in the compound?

I don’t mind if the CinC spends 16 hours thinking before he sends Other Peoples Kids off to face some serious shit.