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kirkspencer7/22/2012 7:49:42 am PDT

re: #143 A Mom Anon

I can see that,but then why not keep all that ammo at the range if it was for target practice then? From what I remember,some gun ranges will allow you to store guns and ammo in a locker or safe(at least that was the case back when I was young,single and owned both a pistol and a shotgun)on the premises if you wish to as part of membership. Beyond that,there is no reason on earth anyone needs that many weapons or rounds of ammo. At the very least the sellers should have to red flag such purchases and notify law enforcement.

I think there have got to be some rules implemented here. I am not anti-gun but I am anti-unregulated firearms. We have rules in a civilized society and they can be implemented without taking away the right to own a gun for hunting or even self protection. A system similar to what we have now for learning to drive and being licensed to operate a car,commercial truck or motorcycle wouldn’t be a bad thing and neither would registering every gun.(if you sell the gun,then you have to transfer title,just like a car) We have the infrastructure in place for that,it’s just a matter of organizing and properly implementing it.

I agree, but allow me to run the opposition for a moment.

The reason the founders put the second amendment in place was to put a ‘final check’ on the possibility of the government turning into a tyranny. Requiring registration of all firearms subverts this by allowing the government to quickly locate and seize the firearms.

I can recall when those who held that attitude were ridiculed as the ‘black helicopter crowd’. The sovereign citizen movement, the patriot movement, the citizen militia movement, the constitutional convention movement, all (most of which overlapped) were seen as, well, loonies even less acceptable than the KKK and the Birchers.

But they’ve always had a stronghold in the second amendment organizations and for the last 30 years have been dominant in the NRA. You’re not breaking that unless/until the tea party dominance of the Republican Party breaks.