
Right Wing Pundits Equate Confederate Flag With Gay Pride Rainbow Flag

CuriousLurker6/23/2015 1:38:34 pm PDT

OT - Web designers and/or front-end coders:

When choosing fallback fonts for your CSS stack do NOT use “cursive” for your headings because in Windows it will display as giant Comic Sans, making your news/e-zine site look clownishly amateur. IIRC, Macs will display Brush Script, which isn’t as horrible as Comic Sans, but will look really bizarre & inappropriate as a big headline for serious articles. Oh, your default headline font is Alfa Slab One? Great, then FFS use one or more serif fonts in your stack so your front page doesn’t end up looking like this.

Gah! I surf with a NoScript running at all times, so I often see really ugly, weird stuff upon my first visit to a site. Oh, and BTW—don’t set up your site in such a way that nothing displays if javascript is turned off. If I arrive at your site and am greeted with a blank page, 9 out of 10 times I’m going to just hit the “Back” button and leave out of sheer annoyance.

Which brings me back to what I had intended to comment about:

Initially, I didn’t buy Jack Hunter’s (the Southern Avenger guy) “I’m not a racist; I just played one on the radio” announcement in 2013, so I looked him up. As far as I can tell, he does indeed seem to be following through—as an editor at Rare his articles appear to be largely sane & empathetic.

Wikipedia says says the following, but I wasn’t able to confirm him actively working for/with and of the wingnuts listed (at least not recently):

Hunter is also a contributing editor to both Taki’s Magazine and The American Conservative Magazine, while often filling in for Constitutional conservative Sirius Radio talk show host Mike Church and appearing as a weekly guest on The Savage Nation. […]

Still…. the horrible racist stuff he said… he was “just acting”? How much integrity does someone have if they’re willing to be a paid troll spewing racist invective? If I’d been working with radical Muslims and running around writing for and associating with known antisemites, then came here and said “Oh, I’m not not really and antisemite—I was just playing one on the radio,” then you guys would totally believe me, right? RIGHT??