
Oath Keepers Militia Says They'll Prevent US Marshals From Arresting Kim Davis Again

A Mom Anon9/10/2015 10:30:48 am PDT

re: #138 HappyWarrior

I just saw this online with a photo. He just looks so sad and heartbroken. Beyond having the hell beat out of him.

THIS right here is why all this hate speech should be marginalized and not made into news blaring on the TV and radio 24/7. I lay some responsibility for this at the feet of hatemongering anti Muslim assholes. Oh, they wouldn’t get their own hands dirty, but they KNOW exactly what their shit leads to and it doesn’t make them lose one wink of sleep at night. I know we have to know about these assholes (thank god for the SPLC and others like them keeping tabs on these fuckers), but it’s now becoming mainstream. We’ve got elected officials saying shit that is tacit approval for this kind of shit and it has to stop somewhere.

I really am getting concerned that these fucking fools are going to start their own war against the rest of us by whatever means they deem fit. It totally breaks my heart.