
Adrian Belew & Metropole Orkest - Frame by Frame

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS1/31/2021 8:18:27 am PST

re: #150 Eclectic Cyborg

He’s barely been in office for 10 days and the media is bitching at Biden for being “scarce”?

If you had just taken on a new leadership role and had a fuckton of messes from the previous guy to clean up, you’d probably be pretty scarce with non-work appearances too.

It’s not the Presidents fucking job to pose for the cameras all day long.

So apparently Biden is “scarce” because he’s, you know, actually DOING HIS FUCKING JOB and not just shitposting on Twitter all day and appearing on Fox News three times a week.

Hey, they have to find something to criticize!