
Video: Trevor Noah's Deep Dive Into the Weird World of Madison Cawthorn: "Faker, Creeper, Lawmaker"

Hecuba's daughter4/02/2022 8:52:26 am PDT

re: #148 No Malarkey!

Did you watch Chernobyl on HBO? it was chilling.

Great series! Wonder if the Russian invaders were deliberately engaging in activities to spread poison throughout Ukraine. In this age of Trump, I now believe in the revised rule: one should never ascribe to stupidity that which can be explained by malice. Putin has had a long history in using polonium to poison individuals. Is it too much to suggest he may want to do this to an entire country?

And on another front: we know that Republicans, especially Trump, will attribute to the others the crimes they are actually committing. Trump always blathered about the “Deep State”; isn’t it likely he deliberately seeded the government with those loyal to him and disloyal to our Constitution and our democracy?