
CNN's Staged Video Updates: The Norwegian Connection

MJ1/10/2009 11:47:42 am PST

re: #92 alegrias

OT, in more staged pro-islamist news:

Antonio Banderas the Spanish actor who lives in Malibu, California with wife Melanie Griffith, went to the Arab Emirates to get funding for a movie about the last Islamic ruler of Spain, “Boabdil” or Abdullah.

Mr. Banderas, who may be socialist/communist, is a native al Al-Andalus and is ingratiating himself with rich Islamists, many of whom party hard in Al Andalus, the heart of communist Spain.

Mr. Banderas has a film production company in Malaga, Al Andalus, and an animated pictures company in Granada, Al Andalus.

Source: 29 Oct. p. 22 issue of Hola!/Hello! magazine vol. 3352.

Banderas was suppose to stay in a film about Ataurk. There was some speculation that he dropped out from pressure by Greek Americans. While there was certainly pressure from them, there was also threats from
Islamists who didn’t want a sympathetic movie about the man who all but banned Islam from his country.
Banderas is a coward.

Note in the NYT how they don’t identify the Islamist threats on Banderas and just refer to them as “others”.