
Overnight Open Thread

gmsc2/16/2009 1:07:18 am PST

re: #144 Pvt Bin Jammin

Nite, lizards. Take care.

Pvt Ben Jammin, Californian, Nevadan, Slovenian, Irish, English, Welsh American. LOL

Good night, PBJ!

I know one guy at work whose parents emigrated from Slovenia. He’s mentioned it a few times, and he often gets a reaction like, “Did they leave before or after it broke up into 2 countries?”

The first few times he was puzzled by this remark, because it used to be part of Yugoslavia, which broke up into much more than 2 countries.

Finally, he figured out that people were thinking of Slovakia, which used to be part of Czechoslovakia!

His favorite response now is, “They left back when it was still Czechoslovenia.”