
Weblog Awards Canceled Due to Something or Other

DaddyG1/05/2010 1:52:24 pm PST

re: #145 recusancy

First, creationism is religion.

Second, reading a childrens book where a kid has two daddy’s is not “celebrating sexual diversity”.

Thre: #147 JasonA

Bullshit. Creationism is religious by its very definition.

Here is where we disagree. I said creationsim isnt a religion. (Go find me the first Church of the Creationists and I will stand corrected).

There is nothing wrong with celebrating/recognizing diversity of any kind but that is a values issue. You are confusing religion with values in this case- creationism and heterosexuality is certainly pushed by some religions, Evangelical and Baptist to be specific but it does not make it a religion.

Values based curricula can be too heavy handed and the state cannot effectively replace mommy and daddy (or daddy and daddy) at teaching values. Trying to replace the family as a primary values source is always going to be a sticky wicket.

My basic point is that the State and Feds are too blunt an instrument to get into those types of curricula decisions. Any state that feels it is their job to dictate to local communities and families borders on dictatorial no matter what flavor of curricula or agenda they are driving.

You will have a lot more power as an individual with local representation. If another community decides to go to hell in a handbasket accordin to you then that is their issue. But as long as the State stays where they should in enforcing the teaching of basic academics it won’t become a statewide political football.