
Seven Windmills

Cato the Elder5/02/2010 8:08:08 pm PDT

re: #126 LudwigVanQuixote


Hey All! As some of you know I am a devoted dog owner.

I had heard good things about a certain brand of dog food (which I will not mention because I am not writing an ad for them) so I went through my research routine to figure out if it was good stuff.

It occurred to me that many folks might not know what goes into pet food.

The painful bottom line is that many feeds are slickly packaged to convince us that we are doing the best for beloved pets. However, there is an unbelievable range of ingredients that gets used. High end foods have things in them that do not start out as waste products and try to balance out the nutritional needs of pets in a way that will not lead to obesity. The low end foods like Alpo and Purina are ways of getting rid of waste from slaughter houses (if you are lucky) and even euthanized pets.

Even brands that are very strongly recommended like Nutro or Science Diet are not so great (though much better than bottom tier).

It also unfortunately goes without saying that you should not buy feed from China.

Here is a list of definitions.


Here is an article


That quote reads like it was lifted straight from Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”, only now we feed ourselves slightly better meat and save that shite for out “pets”.

Thank God, Haku has allergies, so I have to feed him “special” food. Still, I’m none to eager to know exactly what goes into it, either.

And for all those who constantly say how there are legal immigrants or native-born Americans waiting to queue up for the dirty jobs, find me ten anywhere in the country who will run those Bobcats for what the “illegals” are getting paid.