
Kentucky Gov. Beshear Wants State Money for Creationist Theme Park

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/02/2010 12:42:27 pm PST

re: #144 JasonA

Creationism reminds me of when I was a kid watching Star Wars. The TIE fighters screaming past on the screen. It just sounded right. Then stupid science told me that sound had no way to travel in a vacuum and couldn’t exist. And that objects in space really couldn’t move like that, zipping around in different directions all over the place. I hated having to let go of that image in my head of how super-cool space dogfights could be.

Then I turned nine and it stopped bothering me.

And more physical ones like the ones in B5, are more cool anyway. Rotating on your center of gravity, lining up a shot and strafing are a lot more interesting than flying like a plane.