
Trump Tied for First in GOP Race

lawhawk4/12/2011 10:48:14 am PDT

GOP efforts in 2012 hinges first and foremost on the economy failing to recover. If high energy prices continue to sap growth and unemployment remains higher than the average seen in the past decade, then Obama is vulnerable.

Secondly, their efforts depend on the possibility of another major terror attack or the failure of the government to deal with a Katrina-type natural disaster.

As to Trump, he’s not above playing 3d rail and splitting the vote to enable Obama to win.

Mr. Trump’s candidacy would complicate matters for the GOP as it looks to front someone who can unite the fractious party and mount a serious challenge to President Obama’s reelection bid. A recent Wall Street Journal/NBC poll recently found Mr. Trump tied for second place with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee among likely voters in a GOP primary. Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who moved a step closer to formally declaring his own candidacy Monday, is still the frontrunner, though not by a wide margin.

“I think the Republicans are very concerned that I [may] run as an independent,” Mr. Trump said. His support is highest among the conservative wing of the party, not least because he is among the so-called “birthers” who doubt that President Obama in fact was born in the U.S. “It’s a very important issue,” Mr. Trump said of demanding that President Obama show his birth certificate, which has separately been reviewed by the media and deemed legitimate. “I’m not ashamed of having raised that issue.”

“I am very conservative,” said Mr. Trump. “The concern is if I don’t win [the GOP primary] will I run as an independent, and I think the answer is probably yes.” Mr. Trump said he thought he “could possibly win as an independent,” adding, “I’m not doing it for any other reason. I like winning.”

As for foreign policy, Mr. Trump said he is “only interested in Libya if we take the oil,” and that if he were President, “I would not leave Iraq and let Iran take over the oil.” He remains sharply critical of the Chinese, asserting that as President, “I would tell China that you’re either going to shape up, or I’m going to tax you at 25% for all the products you send into this country.”

It’s little wonder that Trump is spending so much time talking about Birtherism. He’s got no understanding of foreign policy, and for a businessman, he’s got incredibly stupid business sense.