
Why Sen. Ensign Really Quit: Other Women, At Least One More Staffer

allegro4/23/2011 3:29:17 pm PDT

Oh good grief… gas anyone posted this yet? It would be pretty funny if it wasn’t so gawd awful…

Youtube Video

Here’s a sample of this Teahadist decrying the accusations of tea party racism with… racism:

“Barack Hussein Obama. Mmm mmm hmm. And Ben Jealous of the NAACP. John Conyers, Maxine Waters, Charlie Rangel, and all the other criminals in the Congressional Black Caucus. And Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and all the nigra race pimps out there. On behalf of the Tea Party we are sick and tired of being called racist when our mission is to educate legal American voters on the most conservative candidates to consider voting for. That’s it. We are good Americans, we are moral Americans. We are religious and non. We are taxpayers, we are civil to our neighbors, and we are law-abiding citizens. We love this country and we are willing to fight for what’s right. Not political correctness, not for the Republicans, not for the Democrats, and especially not for the liberals. The Tea Party is tired of Blacks, nigras, Muslims, and Hispanics, especially the illegals, calling us racist for trying to save the America that we love.”