
Pat Buchanan Promotes Book On White Supremacist Radio Show

Interesting Times10/23/2011 8:15:14 pm PDT

re: #135 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Someone please tell me exactly where Political Cesspool differs from the Confederate flagwavers in today’s Republican Party?

They don’t:

The United States government should be independent of any international organization of governments and American law should not be imposed by organizations such as the United Nations.

Evidenced by New World Order schtick and “Global warming is a conspiracy to take away US sovereignty!!1!” crap. To say nothing of always accusing Obama of going on “apology tours.”

America would not be as prosperous, ruggedly individualistic, and a land of opportunity if the founding stock were not Europeans.

Evidenced by anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican sentiments on the right today.

Since family is the foundation of any strong society, we are against feminism, abortion, and primitivism.

Iowa FTW!

Private property rights are inviolable. They come from our God-given right to life.

Wasn’t there a Tea Party guy who wanted to restrict voting to property owners?

We wish to revive the White birthrate above replacement level fertility and beyond to grow the percentage of Whites in the world relative to other races.

Too many white wimmins are abortin’ our nation’s future!!1!

Issues such as education, environmental law, and police should be decentralized down to the lowest level to insure natural rights and efficiency.

Abolish the EPA!!1!

Secession is a right of all people and individuals. It was successful in 1776 and this show honors those who tried to make it successful in 1865.

Rick Perry tends to agree.

We are cultural conservatives because we have certain morals to which we adhere. We are against homosexuality, vulgarity, loveless sex, and masochism.*

*Unless it manifests itself as poor/middle-class members of the GOP base continually voting against their own best interests.

We wish for American government to stop interfering politically, militarily, and socially outside of the borders of the United States of America. We want non-interventionism.

RON PAUL!!!1!!