
Amazingly, Pamela Geller's Butterball Fail Continues

SanFranciscoZionist11/26/2011 12:56:47 pm PST

re: #123 Charles

It’s worse than that - I think she does see the similarity.

There are two factors I think, when it comes to Jewish anti-Muslim types who get too close to fascists and such.

One is that their fear/disdain/anger re Muslims has hit such a high pitch that little else can register. They really do see the situation as being of such immense urgency—THE MUSLIMS ARE GONNA KILL US ALL!!!!!—that they can’t register healthy antagonism toward other threats unless they appear linked to the Muslim threat. Therefore, liberal multiculturalists are scary because they will help the Muslims win, but neo-Nazis are not scary, both because they hate the Muslims too, and because you just can’t recognize another threat, or deal with your fears in a nuanced way when you’re in a state like this. I see a related phenomenon in my real life with Israel activists who are so desperate for ‘supporters’ that they’ll get in bed with the religious right. Pam and her ilk, of course, take it several steps further.

The other is darker, and nastier, and I hesitate to bring it up. I think that Pam and her ilk LIKE hanging with fascists and Neo-Nazis and the EDL, and all those other thugs, because it makes them feel safe. It’s the ultimate in being accepted in the white people’s club, and it redirects anti-Semitic hate elsewhere, toward Muslims. “You don’t hate me, you hate THEM, and we can hate THEM together. I’m not different, I’m part of a Judeo-Christian civilization that hates THEM. I’m protected now, because I’m not THEM. My entire relationship to Western Civ. has been retconned. I’m an us, instead of a THEM.”

My own take on it. I may be mistaken. But I get the distinct impression that Pam really likes it that the brownshirts LIKE her, they really LIKE her.