
Pamela Geller: 'I've Had It Up to Here With Sandra Fluke's Obama-Endorsed Vagina'

Gus3/06/2012 2:22:45 pm PST

I don’t believe half the shit coming from BB. First it was reported that the FBI raided his “apartment”. Later it was reported that the FBI raided his “home.” Then he claims that he was “informed” about the FBI “raid”:

Barrett Brown, who has spoken on behalf of Anonymous in past attacks, including the attack on Stratfor in December, said that his home in Dallas had been raided and that the F.B.I. had sent three agents to his mother’s house, where he stayed last night.

“I received an advance warning of the raid and put all my laptops in very specific places where they couldn’t be found,” Mr. Brown said. He said the agents left without making an arrest.

Mr. Brown said the arrests elsewhere would not slow down the Anonymous movement. “There are lots and lots of people here that continue to work. The F.B.I. did not really cut the head off of anything. Anonymous will go forward as usual. So will I. We hired an army of lawyers last January. We are prepared for a big slug-out.”

Sounds more like the FBI called him up first and informed him that they wanted to ask him some questions.