
Video: Henri 2, Paw De Deux

The Ghost of a Flea4/16/2012 9:14:28 pm PDT

re: #127 The Nightmare of the five Orders of Beggars

Can you name prominent religions that are not like that?

Doctrinally speaking, Hinduism is pretty chill about “rightness” as your afterlife is a matter of your dharma and karma rather than your avowed alliance. Non-Hindus are just as much a part of the cycle. Even really conservative Hinduism just sets a differentiation…based in the Manu Dharmashastra…of mleccha—people outside the boundaries of Hinduism that will have to be reincarnated as Hindus before they attain moksha. Buddhism, Tantra and Shinto, have similar worldviews. It’s not a perfect state of tolerance, though, as sectarian competition can incorporate doctrinal issues.

To go a bit farther—it’s the monotheists that tend to have the most aggressive posture about “rightness,” because Morality, Truth, and most other grand philosophical concepts are synonymous with a single deific figure. In non-monotheist (pantheists, polytheist, spiritualist, etc) traditions there tends to be metaphysical abstracts that co-exist with the eminent divine beings.