
Tacit Consent From Encourages Riehl To Make Sexist Attacks On Conservative Women

TedStriker5/27/2012 3:56:57 pm PDT

re: #138 Targetpractice

If he had no need to confront, why did he?

A rational, sane, law-abiding person (your standard) would knowingly confront a person they don’t know, believe/know to be armed, instead of continuing to flee?

And if Martin had continued on to his house after Zimmerman had ceased pursuing him, he’d still be alive.

There were two sides to this altercation. Zimmerman’s bad choices do not nullify Martin’s.

There seems to be something left out of most everyone’s analysis of what happened between GZ and TM that fateful night and, IMO, it’s something that very important when attempting to assign responsibility for what actions occurred.

Trayvon Martin was and is forever a 17-year-old kid, a freaking kid; kids don’t always make the best decisions under the best of situations, never mind the situation that TM found himself thrown into with GZ stalking him down in his own neighborhood.

George Zimmerman is a grown-ass man, an adult, someone was old enough have known better, but with his history and his tendencies, it was only a matter of time before he took his violence to the next level IMO.

Even if Trayvon did throw the first punch, I can’t fault him much for that, given how GZ was stalking him in his own neighborhood; unfortunately, he brought fists to a gunfight and GZ held the winning hand.

It’s long been said that history is written by the victor; without TM being alive to tell his side of the story, it’s up to whatever evidence was left to tell it for him (that wasn’t botched by the Sanford PD, that is).