
Live Video: President Obama Makes a Statement

EPR-radar5/15/2013 5:26:01 pm PDT

re: #138 klys

I sort of figure that’s why my mother pulls it out. It’s much easier to convince yourself that both parties do it and therefore it’s not so bad to vote for the one that routinely behaves badly in public than to confront the fact that we have one relatively sane party and one party in service to the crazies, and it is very difficult to have effective governing when the crazies get involved.

I’m reminded of the old joke that runs something like this: “There are two parties in DC, the stupid party and the evil party. I’m a proud member of the stupid party. Every so often, something gets through DC on a bi-partisan basis, and we get something both stupid and evil”.

A clever thing about this joke is that it works whether the narrator is assumed to be an (R) or a (D).

What is less funny these days is that identification of the GOP as the evil party is getting very hard to avoid.