
Million Vet March Unhappy with Cooption by Wingnuts

lawhawk10/14/2013 9:03:23 am PDT

Gohmert wants to impeach the President over the GOP’s refusal to send up a clean bill on the debt ceiling, and that’s the President’s fault.

Republicans have wanted to impeach this president since the moment that he took office. They have claimed that everything that this president has done is an impeachable offense, but even the most basic understanding of the constitutional separation of powers makes it clear that President Obama can’t be impeached for default. Article I Sec.8 of the Constitution gives the power of the purse to Congress. This means if Congress does not paid our bills, that will be violating the Constitution.

If President Obama tried to raise taxes or borrow money on his own to pay our debts, he would be violating the Constitution. Congress has to pay the bills. What Rep. Gohmert is suggesting is that President Obama should be impeached because House Republicans have violated the Constitution.

Circular pretzel logic aspirants take note.

This is how you do it right: Louis Gohmert, collect your prize. You win the Wingnut Logic Prize of the Day.